Sunday, December 16, 2012

Books to Acquire, Then Read

King Leopold's Ghost
The Campaign of the Century: Upton Sinclair
News for All the People, Juan Gonzalez and Joseph Torres
Harvest of Empire, Juan Gonzalez
The Last Colonial Massacre, Greg Grandin
Fordlandia, Greg Grandin
Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America, Martin Gilens
Paulo Freire's Intellectual Roots: Toward Historicity in Praxis
Black Awakening in Capitalist America, Robert L. Allen
A Match on Dry Grass, Mark Warren
Toussaint L'Ouverture and the Black Jacobins, CLR James
Practice What You Teach, Bree Picower
Neoliberal Education, Pauline Lipman
Other People's Children/ Multiplication is for White People, Lisa Delpit
Race, Power, and Organizing in East Baltimore
Visions of Emancipation: Italian Workers' Movement Since 1945, Joanne Barkan
Italian Immigrant Radical Culture, Marcella Bencivenni
The Tailor of Ulm, Lucio Magri
The Lost World of Italian American Radicalism: Politics, Labor, and Culture, Gerald Meyer
Are Italians White?: How Race is Made in America 
WOP!: A Documentary History of Anti-Italian Discrimination, Salvatore J LaGumina
The Invention of the White Race, Theodore W. Allen
Pedagogy of Hope, Paolo Freire
Open City, Teju Cole
In the Shadow of the Statue of Liberty
Biopolitics and Social Change in Italy: from Gramsci to Pasolini to Negri, Andrea Righi.
Towards Land, Work & POWER .

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